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💈 How to buy a profitable business for $6k

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Hello, growth aficionados with a conscience,

In this newsletter edition, we get real about buying and selling businesses, PLUS I got some nifty tools to help you become more productive!

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

💈 Why you should buy a business instead of launching one

🧰 What even experienced entrepreneurs use to reach their goals

🤖 2 AI tools to build an irresistible offer and handle objections

🤝 How to get rid of useless meetings

💈 Why buying (instead of launching) a business may be a better path for you

A friend of mine launched a startup a while back. He was miserable and stuck in a constant existential crisis. He'd rather get a root canal than find new customers, and he and his co-founder were starting to recreate scenes from a bad soap opera.

Launching a business from scratch (startup or freelancing) takes a certain kind of crazy.

You've got to chase after new customers like a dog after a squirrel, find product-market fit, whip up an offer so tantalizing it's borderline illegal, assemble your own entrepreneurial A-Team, and wear more hats than a royal wedding.

If you're anything like my friend but still want to do business, don't worry. There's another way to get in the game.

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Andrew Gazdecki, a serial entrepreneur and the CEO of, which has helped 100s of startups get acquired and has facilitated $500m+ in closed deals.

It’s full of SaaS, mobile, e-commerce, and agency businesses that are already up and running. Buying a business that already has customers, revenue, and profits could be a better fit for you.

Keep reading before you start yelling: “Michel! I don’t have that kinda dough! I ain’t no Warren Buffet!”

On, you can find good, profitable businesses that sell for as low as $6k! It’s worth a look.

If not already done, you can listen to the full episode here.

The simple resource even experienced entrepreneurs use to reach their goals

I've recently been playing business Yoda with a new coaching client. They've launched and sold successful businesses in the past.

Now, they're itching to level up their game by setting up their own investment fund to buy and grow small businesses that haven't reached their full potential.

Even though these guys have 20 years of solid business experience, they still want to pay for a coach. Why?

  • Clarity and focus: Any entrepreneurs or freelancers (no matter how experienced) constantly struggle with staying focused. I give them a fresh perspective and help identify the tasks to generate the most impact.

  • Accelerate progress: Gaining clarity then leads to faster progress. I help them avoid common pitfalls, brainstorm ideas, and come up with unconventional solutions they may have missed.

  • Accountability and roadmap: I hold them accountable for the goals they set and help them stay on track. We do this by having 1-hour calls every two weeks and creating a shared roadmap for each month so they know exactly what they need to do at every stage of their business. Otherwise, you know, life gets in the way.

  • Expanded Network: By working with me, they can indirectly leverage my professional network. For example, they were looking for practical solutions to create investment syndicates. I reached out to some of my experienced investor friends, and within 15 minutes, we had a couple of vetted options.

If you want to gain clarity, increase your revenue, and get better and faster results, I'd be glad to help you out.


Since we want happy clients, we only take a limited number of coaching clients at the time. We only have 3 spots left for the upcoming quarter. Hurry up!

Fill out this short questionnaire, and I'll get in touch.

I'd like faster results

2 AI tools to turn into a productivity ninja

1. Miro AI to develop an irresistible offer

I’m sure you know Miro. If not, get out of your cave mein lieber.

Miro is an online workspace designed to help you brainstorm and collaborate with your distributed team.

Miro now has an AI feature. It’s fashioniably called “Miro AI”. Powerful stuff, right?

Well, it’s amazing!

Here’s a way to use it to come up with an irresistible offer super fast.

I create a new board and pick the mind map template. I write in the central node what my product/solution is about. Three or four short sentences are enough. For instance, it could be a startup group coaching offer.

Then I add a couple of additional nodes, e.g.:

  • Main problems my target group is facing (pain points)
  • The desired situation my prospects are looking for
  • Top ways to solve those problems
  • Key components of my group coaching offer
  • Potential objections from prospects
  • 1-2 sentence pitch of my solution

For each node, I then click on the Miro AI icon and select “Expand with idea”. In a few seconds, you’ll get 10 ideas for each. It’s amazing!

2. Handle objections like a boss with

I’m a big user, which is now powered by ChatGPT-4. Although was designed to help you write better and faster copy, you can use it for a whole lot of other things now.

Instead of having three or four subscriptions to different AI tools that are often all built on top of ChatGPT, I use as much as possible.

I like to use it to come up with potential objections prospects could have about my product or services. I then ask the AI to come up with answers to those objections.

Here’s an example prompt and result to get you started.

How to boost the productivity of your teams and meetings

Many people believe meetings are useless. The problem is not the meetings, it’s how they are run.

Over the years, I’ve boosted the productivity of dozens of teams (management, engineering, product, sales, and customer success) with a simple Meeting Agenda Template.

And by boosting productivity, I mean a radical 180-degree shift in performance. The exact same team with the same individuals turned from clueless chit-chatters to highly focused, structured, and action-oriented professionals.

And you can grab it for only $7 on Notion. We recently added an upgrade that lets you manage and track your projects and tasks all in one place.

High-Productivity Meeting Agenda Template

If you struggling or have any comments/questions, we'd love to hear from you. Just hit reply, and I'll personally respond to you!

If you want to get better results, faster, here's how we can help.

  • Read our free blog articles or listen to our podcast episodes: we share actionable strategies and talk to leaders who are building meaningful companies.
  • Enroll in our Growth Marketing Course, which has helped 3,023 founders and marketers grow their business with a simple 4-step process.
  • Use our Notion Templates to boost your productivity. We use them ourselves on a daily basis. They're based on 10,000s hours of research and experimenting.
  • Are you an ambitious founders, marketers, or solopreneurs looking to speed up your progress? Apply for our coaching program, you'll get on an individual call every two weeks and get a ton of clarity, support, and resources.

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